Wednesday, July 19, 2006


As promised, here is a picture of my tattoo. It's been finished for a little while, but now it's all healed (and everything and everything) so here it is. The last bit I had done was the little swirls here and there (which don't actually show up on the picture very well). Not even sure how many hours it was in total, though I think it's been over 6... And for anyone who's thinking of asking, no, I'm not planning on getting the other side done...

On another note, sorry for all of you who have received random emails. Yahoo! Mail is being weird at the moment, sometimes the emails come through and sometimes they don't. That and the fact that Feedblitz has been playing up have had me tearing my hair out. However, it seems to be working now! If you aren't currently subscribed, you should be able to do so here using the box on the right (under my picture), you just need to enter your email address and click 'subscribe me'. You then go to a page where you enter in some characters for confirmation, then they send you an email. You just click on the link that says 'Click here to confirm your registration'. Simple really (!).

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