Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On holiday?

Hello all,

Just another short one (ahem) - bit of a weird week. I've finished my uni work, just the summer project to go.

That doesn't mean I'm on holiday (honest) - I've just registered this morning as self-employed! This is the first step to gettin my business started up, it's all a little scary really. I'm sure I'll end up badgering my friend Katie (her new business, Live The Lingo has just gone online). Watch this space.

Aside from that, the flat is an absolute tip, we're packing for our move this weekend to our new house (the palace of glittering delights, henceforth tpogd), see the above photo. I'm sure we'll get it all sorted, just looking forward to getting in there (and getting out of here). One problem is that we're likely to have no internet for a while in tpogd while Orange get their arses together to switch it over. Our phone number's changing too, get in touch to get the new one. I'll send out the address for tpogd at some point too!

1 comment:

deligne said...

Hi Mike ! Je crois que tu as trouvé la maison idéale pour commencer à travailler, de plus le quartier à l'air vraiment bien. Bon, il faudra que tu marches un peu pour faire des courses dans les magasins, mais ça ne te feras pas de mal ;-))
J'ai des conseils à te demander parce que je voudrais perfectionner mon anglais. Je passerai par mail, dès que tu seras reconnecté.
Hasta luego, amigo !