Saturday, August 06, 2005


Computer finally fixed!

I had to buy an external hard drive casing so I could connect my hard drive to my neighbours' pc to save my documents...and reinstall windows again...but it's done. Now just struggling to get my programs installed again, I've lost all my emails...all fun and games.

But good news - I got my funding for the masters course! This means that I'm back at uni in 6 weeks' time, which is quite a scary thought. I'm hoping that I don't have to end up doing any weird elective modules, but I'm not gonna find out for a while. It seems that the bank have decided they might give me a part time contract, so I won't be with the agency any more (which is fantastic).

Apart from that, we're off to Spain tomorrow, we've got tonnes of stuff to do today, but haven't managed to get up off my arse yet and do any packing etc. We still have to go into town and do a million things! Sounds like the start of a busy week (I'll be glad to get back here for a rest!)...

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