Christmas and New Year
Hello again!
Made it back from the south after a crazy tequila-filled Christmas!
Found out on the Monday before Christmas that the bank can no longer keep me on as a temp, so they've had to let me go. They packed me off with 3 bottles of wine, 4 bottles of beer and a box of choccies, which is quite nice considering I was only a temp!
So it's back to uni, and we're in the exams period which runs until the 20th. I've already had the only exam I've got, but I still have two projects to finish before then.
Apart from that, I am looking forward to the arrival of Claire in Leeds on the 3rd of February (which is really not all that long away), and then I've already booked tickets to go back to Montpellier in April (dis-moi si vous pensez être là, Karine, Dimitri, Yves, Mohammed, Fantine etc, ça va être vers le weekend du 15 avril).
But until then it's on with the work, and after next week more lectures at uni (it's about time really, haven't had any for well over a month now!).
Hope to hear from you soon!